Includes Prevention and Detection result details
Prevention Result: Total Threats, Blocked/Not Blocked, Attackers Objective, UnAchieved/Achieved Count
Detection Result: Logged/Not Logged, Alerted/Not Alerted Count


Simulation Run Result endpoint returns detailed information about simulation results including Prevention and Detection result details for a specific simulation run with run id.

Prevention result includes blocked and not blocked threat counts, achieved and unachieved attacker objectives counts as in Picus Platform.
The detection analysis results are included, if the simulation is enriched with detection. Detection Analytics result includes log analysis and alert analysis based on configuration and integration type.


Get simulation result for simulation id is 6068 and simulation run id is 14993.

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer access_token'
  "simulation_id": 6068,
  "simulation_run_id": 14993,
  "started_at": 1654793049799,
  "completed_at": 1654793202457,
  "status": "NOT STARTED",
  "completion_ratio": 0,
  "status_details": {
    "prevention": {
      "total_threat_count": 2,
      "completed_threat_count": 0
    "detection": {
      "total_threat_count": 2,
      "completed_threat_count": 0
  "results": {
    "prevention": {
      "security_score": 13,
      "threat": {
        "total_count": 3,
        "blocked_count": 1,
        "not_blocked_count": 2,
        "not_tested_count": 0
      "attacker_objectives": {
        "total_count": 8,
        "unachived_count": 1,
        "achived_count": 7,
        "not_tested_count": 0
    "has_detection_analysis": true,
    "detection_analysis": {
      "security_score": 66,
      "has_log_analysis": true,
      "has_alert_analysis": true,
      "log": {
        "score": 33,
        "logged_threat_count": 1,
        "not_logged_threat_count": 2
      "alert": {
        "score": 100,
        "alerted_threat_count": 3,
        "not_alerted_threat_count": 0
      "integrations": [
          "product_name": "Crowdstrike",
          "id": 110
          "product_name": "Sentinel One",
          "id": 134

Get simulation result for simulation id is 6069 and simulation run id is 14994 which is running

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer access_token'
  "simulation_id": 6069,
  "simulation_run_id": 14994,
  "started_at": 1654793049799,
  "status": "RUNNING",
  "completion_ratio": 66,
  "status_details": {
    "prevention": {
      "total_threat_count": 6,
      "completed_threat_count": 4
    "detection": {
      "total_threat_count": 0,
      "completed_threat_count": 0
      "integrations": [
          "product_name": "Crowdstrike",
          "id": 110
          "product_name": "Sentinel One",
          "id": 134

Get simulation result for simulation id is 4615 and simulation run id is 11780 which is failed

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer access_token'
  "simulation_id": 4615,
  "simulation_run_id": 11780,
  "template_id": 15196,
  "started_at": 1722535801548,
  "completed_at": 1722536042928,
  "status": "STOPPED",
  "completion_ratio": 50,
  "status_details": {
    "prevention": {
      "total_threat_count": 1,
      "completed_threat_count": 1
    "detection": {
      "total_threat_count": 1,
      "completed_threat_count": 0
  "results": {
    "prevention": {
      "security_score": 100,
      "threat": {
        "total_count": 1,
        "blocked_count": 1,
        "not_blocked_count": 0,
        "not_tested_count": 0
      "attacker_objectives": {
        "total_count": 7,
        "unachived_count": 5,
        "achived_count": 0,
        "not_tested_count": 2
    "has_detection_analysis": true,
    "detection_analysis": {
      "security_score": 0,
      "has_log_analysis": true,
      "has_alert_analysis": true,
      "log": {
        "score": 0,
        "logged_threat_count": 0,
        "not_logged_threat_count": 0
      "alert": {
        "score": 0,
        "alerted_threat_count": 0,
        "not_alerted_threat_count": 0
      "integrations": [
          "product_name": "Microfocus ArcSight ESM",
          "id": 2066
  "fail_reason_message": "Assessment was stopped"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!