Simulation List; Simulation ID, Simulation Name, Simulation Agent (with status), Enrichment Status, Last Prevention Result, Last Detection Result (if Available)
Default limit: 25, Default offset: 0
Max limit: 50


Simulations List endpoint returns the list of you latest simulation result overview as in Picus Platform > Simulations tab. Latest simulation run results are included. You can use filtration to access the exact simulation result.

You can get the Simulation ID from this endpoint and later request simulation details from "Simulation Detail" endpoint.


Get the simulation list that runs on Agent: "My Agent" and Prevention score between: 50 and 75

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer access_token'
  "simulations": [
      "simulation_id": 1,
      "simulation_name": "Simulation 1",
      "agent": {
        "name": "My Agent",
        "id": 1556,
        "status": "dead",
        "type": "Windows",
        "version": ""
      "template_id": 1,
      "template_name": "Template 1",
      "last_prevention_security_score": 60,
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "completion_ratio": 100,
      "status_details": {
        "prevention": {
            "total_threat_count": 2,
            "completed_threat_count": 2
        "detection": {
            "total_threat_count": 2,
            "completed_threat_count": 2
      "has_detection_analysis": false,
      "has_last_run_detection_analysis": false
      "simulation_id": 1,
      "simulation_name": "Simulation 2",
      "agent": {
        "name": "My Agent",
        "id": 1556,
        "status": "alive",
        "type": "Windows",
        "version": ""
      "last_prevention_security_score": 70,
      "last_detection_security_score": 100,
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "detection_analysis": {
        "integrations": [
            "product_name": "Securonix",
            "id": 135
      "has_detection_analysis": true,
      "has_last_run_detection_analysis": true,
      "updated_at": 1705670514353
  "pages": {
    "total_count": 38,
    "limit": 25,
    "offset": 0



Default Limit: 25, Max Limit: 50

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!