Action List; Action Id, Action Display Id, Updated At, Action Name
Default limit: 100, Default offset: 0
Max limit: 100


You can use Action List endpoint to reach out Action ID, Action ID, Action Name, Action Updated At details as in Picus Threat Library. Also you can filter the actions with updated at field and fetch the data with pagination.


Fetch 3 actions starting from the 120th action with updated_at value greater than 1707545930

curl --location '' \
--header 'accept: application/json'
    "actions": [
            "id": 2965,
            "display_id": 719175,
            "name": "action 120",
            "updated_at": 1707546019
            "id": 2966,
            "display_id": 847612,
            "name": "action 121",
            "updated_at": 1709273198
            "id": 2968,
            "display_id": 417108,
            "name": "action 122",
            "updated_at": 1707546019
    "pages": {
        "total_count": 10291,
        "limit": 3,
        "offset": 120
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!