Agents; Agent Name, Agent Status, Agent Type, Agent Created Time, Agent Platform


Agent List endpoint returns the simulation agent list with agent name, id, status, agent type and platform information as in Picus platform > Agents.

Agent Detail endpoint can be called for detailed information on Agents using the agent id.

Return Definitions

  • status = alive means that the agent is alive and the agent is sending health check signals
  • status = dead means that agent is not alive and the health check signals will not be received for a while


  "agents": [
      "name": "Browser Agent",
      "id": 197,
      "status": "alive",
      "type": "Browser",
      "version": "",
      "created_at": 1611131624037,
      "platform_name": "",
      "platform_architecture": ""
      "name": "My agent",
      "id": 793,
      "status": "dead",
      "type": "Windows",
      "version": "",
      "created_at": 1633518567926,
      "platform_name": "Windows 10",
      "platform_architecture": "64-bit"
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "id": 1261,
      "status": "alive",
      "type": "QuickEmail",
      "version": "",
      "created_at": 1644399111732,
      "platform_name": "",
      "platform_architecture": ""
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