The current version of The Picus Rest API is version 1.0. We only release a new version when backward compatibility is not feasible.
Considerations to Assess Backward Compatibility
- Adding new endpoints
- Adding new attributes to existing endpoints
- Minor changes on attributes on existing endpoints
The purpose of backward compatibility is to handle breaking changes in API for existing integrations with Picus Rest Endpoints.
New Version
- If there are major changes, more than one version will be supported
- Old versions will continue to be supported but only for a limited time
Change Log
- You can follow the Change Log page for tracing The Picus Rest API changes.
Version Management
We are considering backward compatibility.
If a major change to the Rest API is needed, we will publish a new version. We will continue to support the older version for a limited time and announce the date that support will cease to be offered.
Updated over 2 years ago
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