Data Format

Common Data

Values in JSON response are in types of string, integer, date, boolean or array.

Date Format

The Picus Rest API uses epoch time. It is also known as unix time. The Unix epoch is 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970 (an arbitrary date).

  "created_at": 1611131624037 //GMT: Wednesday, 20 January 2021 08:33:44.037

Both request and response are used in epoch time.


Date Format

Request and response date format is unix epoch.

Threats & Actions

Related to Threats, which are components of the Threat Library, and their subcomponents, Actions.

action_idint64Unique identifier for the actions that form the threats used in attack simulations, and these action IDs are employed in the backend of Picus systems.
action_display_idint64Unique identifer for the actions that form the threats used in attack simulations, and these action display ids are used in the user interface of Picus.


Simulation is an instant or scheduled run of a template on an agent. Each simulation has a simulation name and a schedule for running.

simulation_iduint64Simulation identifier.
simulation_namestringSimulation name.
statusstringSimulation run status.
agentobjectAgent that simulation is running on.
prevention_security_scoreint64Simulation prevention security score.
detection_security_scoreint64Simulation detection security score.
has_detection_analysisboolIf simulation is enriched with detection analysis, it will be true.
detection_analysisobjectIf simulation has detection analysis, this field display a list of integration s.


Simulation status

  • WAITING FOR THE FIRST RUN: The simulation is created but hasn't run yet.
  • RUNNING: The simulation is currently running but is not yet complete.
  • COMPLETED: The simulation is completed successfully.
  • STOPPED: The simulation is stopped by user.
  • FAILED: The simulation is not completed successfully.
  • SCHEDULED: The simulation is scheduled to run.

Simulation Run

One simulation can involve one or more instances (runs) that are made or scheduled at different times.
Simulation Run contains similar data as Simulation, referenced above.

simulation_run_iduint64Simulation run identifier. (For simulations executed more than once).
simulation_iduint64Simulation identifier.
started_atuint64Time simulation run is started.
completed_atuint64Time simulation run is completed.

Result Details

Security scores, threat/attacker objectives, and prevention/detection results are given.

prevention.security_scoreint64Prevention Security score.
prevention.blocked_countint64How many threats are blocked.
prevention.not_blocked_countint64How many threats are not blocked.
prevention.not_tested_countint64How many threats are not tested.
prevention.achived_countint64How many attacker objectives are achived.
prevention.unachived_countint64How many attacker objectives are unachived.
has_detection_analysisboolHas detection analysis (SIEM&EDR)
detection_analysis. has_log_analysisboolSIEM/EDR Integration log analysis enabled.
detection_analysis. has_alert_analysisboolSIEM/EDR Integration alert analysis enabled.
detection_analysis.logged_threat_countint64How many threats are logged
detection_analysis.not_logged_threat_countint64How many threats are not logged
detection_analysis. alerted_threat_countint64How many threats are alerted
detection_analysis. not_alerted_threat_countint64How many threats are not alerted
detection_analysis.scoreint64Detection Security Score


Different agents can be used to run simulations.

iduint64Agent identifier.
namestringAgent name.
typestringQuickEmail | Browser | Installable Agent | Windows | Linux | MacOS.
versionstringAgent version.
platform_name / platform_architecturestringExample: Windows 10 / 64-bit.
statusstringalive | dead | expired.

Detection Analytics

SIEM/EDR Integration log and alert analysis results are provided.

has_log_analysisboolSIEM/EDR Integration log analysis enabled.
has_alert_analysisboolSIEM/EDR Integration alert analysis enabled.
log_resultstringLogged / Not logged.
alert_resultstringAlerted / Not alerted.
integrations.idint64Integration Identification: It is given when the integration is configured.
integrations.product_namestringIntegrated product name.
integrations.typestringSIEM, EDR etc.
integrations.health_statusobjectDetailed health status for integration.
integration_agent_idint64Integration Agent Identifier which works as an agent in detection analytics on the SIEM/EDR.
integration_agent_namestringIntegration agent name.