
Simulation Result Status Change

We have made changes to the “failed” status updates of simulations. Now the simulations that could not be started are shown as “not started” and the ones that are interrupted but finished are listed as "completed". In the Picus SCV, users can monitor how much of the simulation has been completed. The completion rate information will be displayed using a bar line. The Picus Customer API has also been updated to reflect this change.

Affected Endpoints


Previous version

"status": "FAILED"


  "status": "COMPLETED"  
      "total_threat_count": 10,  
      "completed_threat_count": 8,
 	 "total_threat_count": 0,
 	 "completed_threat_count": 0,
"status": "NOT STARTED"  
      "total_threat_count": 0,  
      "completed_threat_count": 0,
     "total_threat_count": 0,
     "completed_threat_count": 0,